Rule Model
VersionedIDs are used throughout, changes to a Rule should imply a new Rule version, a new RuleSet version and a new RuleSuite version.
RunOnPassProcessor (output expressions) should only be provided when using the ruleEngineRunner and are treated, like Lambdas, as top level unique concepts. You should organise using output expressions wherever possible as it's not only easier to conceptualise but it's also faster.
Rule ResultsΒΆ
- SoftFailed results do not cause the RuleSet or RuleSuite to fail
- DisabledRule results also do not cause the RuleSet or RuleSuite to fail but signal a rule has been disabled upstream
- Probability results with over 80 percent are deemed to have Passed, you may override this with the RuleSuite.withProbablePass function after creating the RuleSuite.
RuleResultWithProcessor is only used when using the ruleEngineRunner and is not returned in the column, rather the result of the expression is - shown above as call to "data".
Last update:
December 3, 2024 17:06:32
Created: December 3, 2024 17:06:32
Created: December 3, 2024 17:06:32